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Sunday, April 3, 2011


So it is April and Spring is finally here! After a long, yet beautiful, winter, we can finally see the water in our pond and the ducks have come out again; it will be nice to take the dresses sandals out and take the walks in the park that we have been looking forward to! There are lots of parks here and a beautiful riverside path that stretches a few miles...good exercising. I am especially trying to keep healthy and get more exercises in for preparation of this baby.

Speaking of, the baby is getting bigger and bigger. I recently had an ultrasound and found out that it weighs 2 and 1/2 lbs (and growing)! The books I have been reading say that it is more than 15 inches long by now....How exciting! We have been setting some things up, (next to our bed) and I just hope the baby likes the color green. :) Everything looks so cute and everything is so little and tiny. I still can't believe we are having a baby. A little baby Smith.

This baby is probably going to come out loving fruit, because other than the essential foods needed for a balanced diet, as the doctor recommends, I have been eating fruit for dessert and in between meal snacks. Blueberries, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, grapes, applesauce....these has been the majority of my eating habits. There is nothing better than the taste of fruit....straight from the ground (or tree). :)

And even further along.....

Make way, Baby Smith is coming......


  1. You look so great! The baby must be so happy inside you with all that fruit you have been eating, he or she is growing well! During my last few weeks before the birth I just could not get enough pineapple!

    I know how you feel with nesting, you just want to be doing something. I'm sure if I knew how to sew I would have made tons of baby clothes and things, but instead I just baked a lot and cleaned my apartment like a madwoman! Looks like you are getting creative with the baby stuff you are making.
    I am so excited for you guys! love you!
