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Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Adventures in Florida have begun...

Day one of our move to Florida was a success! Maggie was great in the car the whole 18 hours of the trip! she played and ate and slept and only cried in the last half hour of the trip! She is my little happy trooper! 

Today we are settled in and had some family over, it was so good to see family and we still have more to see soon! We had a BBQ and sat outside while the kiddos played in the pool! Maggie loves swimming and I hope to teach her this summer as I am a swim instructor! 

She really liked driving her play car outside and seeing Cappy and Mama Risa! I can't wait to see what many things we will be doing here in our new life in the south!

It's been a while, but here we are...

It would seem that I haven't documented the life of the Smith Family since November, so here goes....

We just celebrated Maggie's FIRST birthday! She chose the Minnie Mouse theme and has loved wearing her Mickey Mouse ears to her parties and pink and white polka dotted dress! I am again reminded of the beautiful family and friends we have as they helped make her birthday so special. For her birthday, we went to Library Story Time then to the park where she is always excited to swing! She was accompanied by her awesome cousin, Will, who sat on the swing next to her.

She has done so much in the last year. Learning how to sit up, then crawl, stand up, now learning to walk, it is SO neat to watch her grow and learn to do so many things. She can currently blow kisses and wave goodbye! She LOVES playing chase with Daddy around the house! It is so fun to watch those two play together! :)

They made Mother's Day so special for me as she and my wonderful husband gave me breakfast in bed. Pat handed me a tray of food while Maggie handed me a Happy Mother's Day card! It was so precious and in that moment I was overwhelmed with the blessing of family and how much they mean to me!